We mentor all Veterans, whether they completed active duty a year ago or seventy years ago. Your donation helps fund programs for those men and women who honorably served and deal with challenges in getting their needs with submitting disability claims. The information and advocacy provided empowers them to move forward to get the timely answers to their care, and comprehensive one on one support.
Veterans really appreciate walking into the Veteran’s Affairs hospital with a knowledgeable advocate. With your donation, you are doing more than thanking him or her for their service. You are providing a true helping hand in an area they know little information about. The informed Veteran is both prepared and empowered and ready to handle any challenges when proving their case.
Donated funds also help us to staff and promote our Spouse/Caregiver and Community programs. A Veteran might be independent and not ask for help, but it truly takes a village of people around to encourage and stand by him or her as a gesture of honor and gratitude. Alec’s Angel nonprofit has specifically designed programs that impact family members and communities affected by military life. Your tax deductible dollars allow us to hire and pay for the types of services that supplement the Veteran Affairs programs and guide Veterans to the appropriate staff at the VA upon requirement.